Monday, August 10, 2015

Learn Chinese song - Red Bean

Do you like listening to Chinese songs? Do you know that learning Chinese by songs can make the world's hardest language easier and fun? That's why we encourage our students to listen to Chinese songs in addition to learning Chinese podcast. Now we'll enjoy one of the most famous song by Wang Fei and at the same time pick up useful expressions in the lyrics.
Wang Fei
Who is the top diva in the music field in ChinaMaybe different names come to different minds. But Wang Fei is the most suitable person for that title. Her intangible voice has attracted countless people. The beauty of her is that she learns western singing methods but doesn’t just imitate. Instead, she integrates those methods with the feature of her own voice forming her own singing style. 

Red Beanis one of her most famous works. This song is written by Lin Xi and composed by Jim lau. Red bean in China is connected with lovesickness and this song is a love song describing a couple who have a long-distance relationship but believe that their love can be everlasting.
Now, let’s learn this love song《红豆》(hónɡdòu)- Red Bean

háiméi hǎohǎode ɡǎnshòu
还没 好好地 感受 

xuěhuā zhànfànɡ de qìhòu
雪花 绽放 气候

wǒmen yìqǐ chàndǒu
我们 一起 颤抖

huì ɡènɡmínɡbɑi shénmeshì wēnróu
更明白 什么是 温柔

háiméi ɡēnnǐ qiānzheshǒu
还没 跟你 牵着手 

zǒuɡuò huānɡwúde shāqiū
走过 荒芜的 沙丘

kěnénɡ cónɡcǐyǐhòu
可能 从此以后

xuéhuì zhēnxī tiānchánɡhédìjiǔ
学会 珍惜 天长和地久

yǒushíhou yǒushíhou
有时候 有时候

wǒhuìxiānɡxìn yìqiè yǒujìntóu
我会相信 一切 有尽头

xiānɡjùlíkāi dōuyǒushíhou
相聚离开 都有时候

méiyǒushénme huì yǒnɡchuíbùxiǔ
没有什么 永垂不朽

kěshìwǒ yǒushíhou
可是我 有时候

nìnɡyuànxuǎnzé liúliàn búfànɡshǒu
宁愿选择 留恋 不放手 

děnɡdào fēnɡjǐnɡ dōukàntòu
等到 风景 都看透

yéxǔ nǐhuì péiwǒkàn xìshuǐchánɡliú
也许 你会 陪我看 细水长流

háiméi wèinǐ bǎhónɡdòu
还没 为你 把红豆

áochénɡ chánmiánde shānɡkǒu
熬成 缠绵的 伤口

ránhòu yìqǐfēnxiǎnɡ
然后 一起分享  

huìɡènɡmínɡbɑi xiānɡsīde āichóu
会更明白 相思的 哀愁
háiméi hǎohǎode ɡǎnshòu
还没 好好地 感受 

xǐnɡzhe qīnwěnde wēnróu
醒着 亲吻的 温柔

kěnénɡ zàiwǒzuǒyòu
可能 在我左右

nǐcái zhuīqiú ɡūdúde zìyóu
你才 追求 孤独的自由

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